Harsewinkel, December 2016. CLAAS unveiled its new series of Stage IV (Tier 4) emissions standard SCORPION telehandlers at Agritechnica 2015, raising the bar on engine performance and comfort. The latest models in this series are available for sale as of now, and boast a range of new functions and added features for even greater comfort and better handling. These include, for example, a shake function for working with the bucket, the MultiCoupler for fast attachment and removal of implements, and additional tyre options.
Telehandlers are crucial for materials handling on today’s farms. In particular, users are looking for performance, cost-effectiveness and driver comfort, and the CLAAS SCORPION series meets all of these requirements optimally. Spanning lift heights from 6.15 to 8.75 m and lift capacities from 3.0 to 5.5 t, the wide-ranging SCORPION series has the right solution for every farm. All SCORPION models come with a four-cylinder Deutz diesel engine available in either Stage IV (Tier 4) for HRC or Stage IIIA for LRC. They also feature proven CLAAS systems such as SMART ROADING and SMART HANDLING for particularly intelligent drive line technology, and added comfort and ease of operation in all work environments.
New shake function makes bucket emptying even easier
SMART HANDLING provides greater operational reliability and adjustable automatic driver comfort functions as standard on all CLAAS telehandlers to make things easier over the driver for a wide range of tasks. A new feature for the SCORPION range is the bucket shake function, which makes it easier to empty the bucket when working with damp or sticky materials such as manure, compost or soil. The boom itself can still be moved around as normal when the shake function is activated. This function is deployed via a key combination on the joystick, so that the driver can easily switch it on or off at any time during work operations.
With SMART HANDLING, the driver can also easily switch between bucket mode, stacking mode with vertical lift and manual mode. Another new automated feature is the bucket return function, with which the driver can programme a bucket return position at any time, and then automatically return the bucket to that position simply by pressing a button.
New MultiCoupler for fast, easy implement switching
CLAAS now offers the MultiCoupler as an option for all SCORPION models. Along with the pushbutton pressure release switch on the headstock, it makes the task of connecting and disconnecting hydraulic connections when changing implements even faster and easier. The MultiCoupler is already a proven performer on CLAAS tractors with front loaders, and CLAAS is the first-ever manufacturer to offer this option ex factory for telehandlers. The new MultiCoupler is available as either a double or a quadruple variant.
Other new options for the current SCORPION series include rugged Michelin BibLoad tyres and the proven CLAAS TELEMATICS performance analysis and documentation system. The new BibLoad tyres are particularly suitable for operating telehandlers on hard surfaces such as asphalted areas around the farm. Depending on the model, Michelin 460/70 R24 or 500/70 R24 tyres are also available.
The drive line
All SCORPION models are powered by new-generation Deutz diesel engines. In particular, the engines used in the SCORPION 7050 to 6030 models offer greater torque (+4%) and output (+11%) compared with their predecessors. Available power outputs for the SCORPION models range from 100 kW/136 hp at entry level to 115 kW/156 hp in the two top-of-the-range SCORPION 7055 and 9055. All engines feature a combination of DOC (diesel oxidation catalyst) and AdBlue SCR (selective catalytic reduction) emissions control. The top-end models also come with a diesel particulate filter (DFP) as standard.
Optimal driving dynamics with VARIPOWER and SMART ROADING
If desired, the current SCORPION models can be fitted with intelligent hydrostatic VARIPOWER ground drives. These infinitely variable transmission systems are fully automatic and ensure that the SCORPION delivers optimal torque across its entire speed range, right up to its top speed of 40 km/h. As an option, the SCORPION models 7044 to 9055 can also be supplied as variants with a lower top speed of 30 km/h and a greater thrust. The 7055 and 9055 are fitted with VARIPOWER PLUS, which also includes the SMART ROADING feature. With SMART ROADING, there is another efficiency gain, since the engine speed is reduced automatically once the top road speed has been reached. This reduces fuel consumption and noise, while delivering the same output. On request, SMART ROADING is also available in the SCORPION 7035 to 6030.
The cab: greater safety and better orientation
The SCORPION’s safety and driver comfort features include individually adjustable, slip-resistant steps and an additional grab-handle on the B-pillar for greater ease of entering and exiting the cab. The 9055, 7055, 7050 and 7044 models are also equipped with an electronic parking brake, which is built into the armrest for ease of access. For added safety, the parking brake is automatically applied via a seat contact switch whenever the driver leaves the cab. Releasing the brake is also very simple – the driver need only simultaneously engage the brake/inching pedal and the forward/reverse control switch. In addition, all the instrument displays are integrated into the A-pillar of the cab, and are colour-coded. This allows the driver to monitor various machine operating states at a glance while working. Additionally, in the SCORPION 9055 to 7044, the FOPS (Falling Object Protective Structure) grille is installed on the roof of the machine as standard, for optimal visibility and headroom
Harsewinkel, prosinac 2016. CLAAS predstavila svoju novu seriju Stage IV (Tier 4) emisije standardne Scorpion telehandlers na Agritechnica 2015, podižući razinu performansi motora i udobnosti. Najnoviji modeli iz ove serije su dostupne za prodaju kao i sada, i pohvaliti se novim funkcijama i dodatnim mogućnostima za još veću udobnost i bolje rukovanje. To su, na primjer, shake funkcija za rad sa žlicom je MultiCoupler za brzo pričvršćivanje i uklanjanje oruđa, te dodatne opcije guma.
Telehandlers su ključni za rukovanje na današnjim farmama materijala. Konkretno, korisnici traže performanse, ekonomičnost i udobnost vozača, a CLAAS SCORPION serija zadovoljava sve ove zahtjeve optimalno. Čiji je raspon dizanja visine od 6,15 do 8,75 m, a za podizanje kapaciteta od 3,0 do 5,5 t je širok SCORPION serija ima pravo rješenje za svaku farmu. Svi modeli Scorpion dolaze s četiri cilindra Deutz diesel motorom dostupan u bilo Stage IV (Tier 4) za ljudska prava ili Stage IIIA za LRC. Oni također imaju dokazano Claas sustave kao što su pametne vožnje po cesti i inteligentnog upravljanja za osobito inteligentne pogonske tehnologije, te dodao udobnost i lakoću rada u svim radnim uvjetima.
Nova podrhtavanja funkcijom kanta pražnjenje još lakše
Inteligentnog upravljanja omogućuje veću pogonsku sigurnost i podesive automatske udobnost vozača funkcije kao standard na svim Claas telehandlers kako bi što lakše preko vozača za širok raspon zadataka. Novost za raspon Scorpion je kanta tresti funkcije, što ga čini lakšim isprazniti kantu kada se radi s vlažnim ili ljepljivih materijala kao što su gnojivo, kompost ili tlo. Sam bum još može pomicati okolo kao normalno kad je aktivirana funkcija tresti. Ova funkcija je raspoređeno preko kombinacija tipki na joystick, tako da vozač može lako uključiti ili isključiti u bilo kojem trenutku tijekom radnih operacija.
S inteligentnog upravljanja, vozač može lako prebacivati između kantu, način slaganja s vertikalnim lift i ručnom načinu rada. Još jedna nova automatska opcija je povratak kanta funkcije, s kojim vozač može programirati poziciju povratak kantu u bilo koje vrijeme, a zatim se automatski vratiti kantu na toj poziciji jednostavnim pritiskom na gumb.
Novi MultiCoupler za brzo i jednostavno implementirati prebacivanje
CLAAS sada nudi MultiCoupler kao opcija za sve modele Scorpion. Uz otpuštanje prekidača prekidača tlaka na headstock, to čini zadatak spajanja i odvajanja hidrauličke priključke pri promjeni implementira još brže i lakše. MultiCoupler već dokazani izvođač na Claas traktora s prednjim točkovima, a CLAAS je prvi ikada proizvođač koji nudi tu opciju tvornički za telehandlers. Novi MultiCoupler je dostupan kao ni bračni ili četverostruko varijanti.
Ostale nove opcije za tekuću Scorpion seriji uključuju hrapav Michelin BibLoad gume i dokazano CLAAS Telematika obavljanje analiza i dokumentacije sustava. Novi BibLoad gume su posebno pogodni za rad telehandlers na tvrdim podlogama kao što su asfaltiranih površina oko farme. Ovisno o modelu, Michelin 460/70 R24 ili 500/70 R24 gume su također dostupni.
Pogon linija
Svi modeli Scorpion su powered by nove generacije Deutz diesel motora. Konkretno, motori koji se koriste u Scorpion 7050 do 6030 modeli nude veću okretnog momenta (+ 4%) i izlaz (+ 11%) u usporedbi sa svojim prethodnicima. Raspoloživa snaga izlaza za modele Scorpion u rasponu od 100 kW / 136 KS pri ulaznoj razini do 115 kW / 156 KS u dvije top-of-the-range Scorpion 7055 i 9055. Svi motori imaju kombinaciju DOC (dizel oksidacijskog katalizatora) i AdBlue SCR (selektivna katalitička redukcija) za kontrolu emisije. Na top-end modeli dolaze s filtrom za čestice čađe (DFP) kao standard.
Optimalna vozna dinamika s VARIPOWER i SMART roading
Po želji, trenutni modeli škorpiona mogu biti opremljeni s inteligentnim hidrostatski VARIPOWER tla pogonima. Te beskrajno promjenjive prijenosnih sustava su potpuno automatski i osigurati da SCORPION nudi optimalnu moment na cijelom svom rasponu brzina, sve do njegove najveće brzine od 40 km / h. Kao opcija, modeli Scorpion 7044 do 9055 može biti isporučen kao varijante s nižom maksimalnom brzinom od 30 km / h, a veći potisak. 7055 i 9055 su opremljeni VARIPOWER PLUS, koji uključuje i SMART roading značajku. Uz SMART vožnju po cesti, postoji još jedan učinkovitost dobitak, budući da je broj okretaja motora se automatski smanjuje kad se najveća brzina cesta je postignut. To smanjuje potrošnju goriva i buku, a isporuku isti rezultat. Na zahtjev, SMART vožnju po cesti je također dostupan u Scorpion 7035 do 6030.
Kabina: veća sigurnost i bolja orijentacija
Škorpion je sigurnost i udobnost vozača značajke uključuju pojedinačno podesive, protuklizne korake i dodatni grab-ručku na B-stup za veću jednostavnost ulaska